I recently launched a site called I Taste Your Beer, so if you are looking for Beer Marketing, Beer Advertising, or Advertising for my beer (U C wat I did there?) you should go there and check it out.
SEO aside, I’m very proud of the site. I would love for you to check it out and tell me what you think in the comments section. I need a blog (on my site) so I can talk about this stuff. I might just work that through Tumblr – we’ll see.
For now, I just wanted to share my excitement with you. I’ve received my first payment and my first shipment of beer already! Making money on the internet is easy! Actually, it’s not. I have a bunch of strategies to try to help brewers understand what I’m doing so they get why they should advertise with me. It’s slow going, and the people who are the most excited about the idea so far are the distributors of foreign brands.
The breweries that are most receptive are the bigger ones, which poses the chicken-and-egg question, “Do small breweries not advertise because they are small or are they small because they don’t advertise. Here’s a quote from Mariah Calgione of Dogfish Head Brewery:
We’ve been advertising since day one. We do a lot of advertising in beer publications and on beer sites. Recently, we’ve added some less beer-centric but still beer-focused publications. Most of our marketing dollars and investment goes online.
I am more interested in helping the little guys, but most of them have no clue about marketing. If you have any help for me as far as trying to show someone the reasons why they should start advertising when they previously haven’t, please help me out with this.
I know this is a departure from my usual post, but I can’t help but be excited about the new venture. Why am I excited? Because I’m getting beer and getting paid to drink it. Want proof? here it is.

But I can’t drink them until I go in to shoot the video – that’s the hard part.