Everyone in the wine class wants to check out these posts, so I have to tailor them with that in mind. I asked a few friends of mine if I could write about how they were being douchey at a dinner I went to in Baltimore, and they said no. I ended up not writing the post. I’d rather write how I felt than write something I wasn’t so excited about holding back. I really respect Joel Burns for this same mindset.
No one in the wine class was douchey – as you would imagine, everyone was quite civilized and proper. You know the old saying, “If you can’t spot the mark, then you’re probably it?” I’m going to guess that was the case. Not that everyone didn’t have little idiosyncrasies you might be able to point out and accentuate. I’m sure I could have made up some nicknames, but there were really no crazy, hyper-mockable personalities there.
All in all, fun class. Lots of wine knowledge gained.

One thing I wish we had received was a classification schedule by grape, region, country, and style. It seems like you can say a lot about wines based on the climate, the type of grape, and the style. Maybe I am being too simplistic here because then it all has to do with how the vinter wanted to make the wine. What did they want to do with the grapes? You can’t tell by looking at the label. Again, Trust your Sommelier.

I had a cold coming in for one of the classes. Pretty much destroys your wine tasting day when you have a bit of a cold. And although it aerates the wine quite nicely, it never helps to sneeze directly into your glass. Here’s my paper before:

And After:

Yes, I know those are different pages, but you get the idea. I absolutely snarfed my wine. Everyone got a good kick out of this – surprisingly, my clothes were wineless.