I was getting off the Metro going to a friend’s party in DuPont last April, and This guy came out of nowhere and handed me a ticket for a free movie. Obviously you’re going to take a pass for a free movie, so I took one. It wasn’t a “go see whatever movie you want at Hoyts” free movie pass, but I was intrigued. It was a pass to a free showing of Dianetics; a half hour breakdown of the religion at the DC Church of Scientology.
I wanted to go. This girl I was with didn’t. Didn’t even know a thing about Scientology, but yet had no interest in ever wanting to go. Well tonight on the phone, someone new accepted when I asked her if I should conference call the Scientologists at 11:15 in the evening to see when the movies were playing on Saturday to schedule a date.
Moral of the story: feel free to call these guys at pretty much any time of day.
Posted By Hagan
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