I mean, technically this is Mascot Monday, but you’re probably reading this on Tuesday. Give me a break, I’m trying to get some apropos shit out there. It was hard enough getting that Taste Of Williamsburg post out in a timely fashion, and I still don’t think it got picked up by any major blogs, but I’m positive it’s the most thorough review of the event.
OK so Mascot Tuesday, here goes. A couple more entries. First off, this guy didn’t even read the directions on what I wanted and he made this. At first, there was no bag, so I asked him to put a bag in, and he obliged … with MS Paint. Awesome.
So I couldn’t find the guy in the commercial with the voice, but maybe you’ll know what I’m talking about:

So he’s wearing a polo shirt with sweatpants and slippers, he’s got a jacket with a missing lapel, and he’s carrying a lunchbox. And he’s fat. Yes, you captured the essence of the wandering foodie immaculately my friend. It’s tough because most of these artists are foreign, so they’re going through a pretty solid language barrier, but most of them do OK. I found this one guy that did this rocking version of The Wizard Of Oz Characters, but he’s deployed right now and can’t really do art commissions. I added him on AOLIM a while ago, and he’s signed on – I’m talking with him right now … and no, he doesn’t do commissions. Damn. Well, so much for that idea.
Thank you for this week’s commission Artemisio! I can see this working with a few tweaks.
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