Each Monday for the next ten weeks, I’ll display a new avatar that will go into the running for my site’s new mascot (the winner will get $100 – limit ten artists). If you’re an artist and would like to submit a mascot, tweet me or e-mail me at haganatwanderingfoodie.com if you want to know about what I’m looking for. I’ll link wherever you want and you’ll be entered into the contest.
Just this weekend. I was up at the Bronx Food Summit to see my man Baron Ambrosia (if you haven’t checked out this guy’s videos, go now – he’s hilarious), and there was a comic convention going on in the same building. Mark of HappyLoo was doing sketches for $2 each, and I was sold. Plus, one of the characters he draws is a “dim-witted bulldog with a love for food” – I think we could have something here.
He took a picture of me and went to town:

I think he doesn’t look as happy as he does nervous (I’m Ron Burgundy?) but for $2 you can’t go wrong, and I know Mark can do happy. The frickin’ title of his TV show is HappyLoo for crissakes. Oh yeah, I forgot to mention, he’s pitching to Nickelodeon right now – wish him luck! The rest of the stuff on the site is great!
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