Fantastic Lunch location – you can get the same items on the dinner menu for lunch menu prices. I had the green curry with shimp twice and have definitely sampled from my date’s plate both times (all three entrees I tried were delectable).
Service was nothing special, but as an ex-server, I might be a little more picky than your average Bostonian.
Make sure you save room for the fried ice cream, it’s an interesting juxtaposition of . . . well fried stuff and ice cream.
As for how Thai this Thai restaurant is, I wouldn’t be able to venture a guess on that one. All I know is the the ingredients were fresh, everything was cooked to perfection, and it was tasty as hell. Easily one of my favorite places to eat in Boston.
Both the Allston and Fenway locations have a non-pretentious vibe and great food.
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