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Baseball fans and other people interested in insights to professional sports, read this before you check out the rest of the post. You can read and understand what he’s saying below, but reading the article will better familiarize you with the general idea.

—–Original Message—–

From: Curt

Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002

To: Pete, Callan, Tami, Blunt

Subject: Re: Nada

First of all I can definitely see his point. Lets face it; right now the guy gets four or five good pitches a game, tops, so you know they’re walking him close to twice a game. Guys don’t want to throw to him because when they do, Bonds hammers it over the fence.

So he never gets anything to hit, now he’s getting buzzed every once in a while. The Giants pitching staff is great, but they never plunk anyone. They’re last in the league in this category. He’s been hit six times and the staff has only hit ten guys, and not in retaliation. In that light, I can see his frustration.

But . . .

Any time you have a bunch of your teammates saying things like, “I dont care what he said,” there is something fucked up going on. These guys talk shit about each other creating internal conflicts all the time. It’s almost like no one is friends anymore, they just “work” together. I think it’s the simple fact that in professional sports, where guys are making millions of dollars, they become completely spoiled and disillusioned with their own importance. It gets so there is very little “team” in the team.

Bonds is an especially cocky fuck, so I’m sure he doesnt have too many friends to begin with. The media has never liked him and I don’t know why, maybe it’s the ego. It’s not like he spit on an umpire or anything; they just don’t like him. If he was as much of a jerk as he appears to be and was on my team, I wouldnt care if he got thrown at four times a game.

—- End of Message —-

Credit Curt for this entire post. Fact checking by Patrick.

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