“You know a Cookie (pic) is good when you can cut it with a fork.” I said, as I took my last bite of lunch at Gruppo Thin Crust Pizza.
Why am I talking about a cookie at a pizza place? A) ALWAYS order dessert and B) Jessie loved that comment but didn’t put it in her post (link). I think it’s a pretty accurate statement
OK, the cookie was good, but the pizza … The pizza was unbelievable.
But I think it can be better.
The best part of this pizza is the ring about two inches from the outside. I asked another person who had this pizza if they had the same experience with it and they said they had. So you know those brownie tins that have the snake inside so you get the crisp brownie edges on your whole brownie (pic)? I want gruppo to make this with their pizza. No one could touch this place if they did it that way. Let me diagram it for you.
This is the pizza now:

This is a mock up of a simple machine that would cut the pizza to increase the area that tastes %$#@ing awesome:

Since the inside edge of the outer ring would now be the edge of the pizza, it would also be awesome. This is what the resulting pizza would look/taste like:

Two pizzas; one donut shaped (red and orange area), one pizza shaped, personal sized (yellow and pink area). National news time:
Guest Writer: Jessie Yoh … Here’s her post
The IRL Arts Foundation and The Wandering Foodie thank Pizza Gruppo for providing this meal.
Pizza Gruppo
186 Ave B
New York, NY 10009
(212) 995-2100
That ring, my friend, is called the Coastline
I've been studying it for years and I'm glad you agree that it is so remarkable.
I like the neologism!
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