This was the demo I was most excited to see. I know that Alton and Guy are bigger names (and their stage presence certainly reflected them), but my brother met Adam and he gave me some Twitter love, and his background is a lot more like mine than the other two. It gives me hope that I won’t have to learn how to cook to eat and talk about food. Don’t take that the wrong way, Adam! I read your bio and I have similar culinary experience as far as my restaurant background goes. I love your show; who cares what Alton thinks.
These girls were working extra hard before the show. I found out when Adam came on that Morimoto had broken the stove.

How come when things stop working at the time you’re using them, everyone thinks that you broke it. I get this a lot. All equipment has a life span. If I’m using it when that life span ends, don’t blame it on me.
“Everyone needs a Harvey.” Adam’s assistant was ready to help at any second of the day. Wasn’t quite as funny as Mary Alice’s Pony comment (sorry, that’s coming tomorrow!).

Adam’s mom was here. She’s one of those ladies in the picture but I’m not 100% sure who it is. He told a pretty funny joke, I’m laughing again thinking about it.
How many Jewish mothers does it take to change a light bulb?
None. Don’t you worry about it; I’ll be fine in the dark.

This is the part of the show where Adam cuts his finger. I can see this happening to me at some point. All the production assistants rushed to help him out. There was blood everywhere.

I mean, he really got himself good. Look at the blood drops near the knife and the color of his thumb. I wouldn’t be surprised if he needed stitches here.

I had to leave because Guy Fieri (ten blocks away) overlapped with this presentation. I didn’t get to see Adam successfully conclude his show, and for that, my apologies to Adam. Hate to end the post this way because he’s truly one of my culinary media heroes. Remember that the stove wasn’t even working here, so he was driving on two wheels to start out, that had to be a bit flustering.
After all this, Adam was still hilarious and powered through the presentation. Qualities to emulate if you want to be a food star.
I didn’t even know that he cooked! I thought he was just the dude that ate stuff. Also one of my fav’s.
His demo was fantastic and when it ended he stayed there for another two hours or so and met every single person and signed autographs. I came all the way from RI and spent the night in NY just to see his demo and I was not disppointed. He’s a pleasure to listen to and learn from.
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