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A couple of weeks ago, my I asked my students to write about one of their dreams. I just got around to correcting them, and they’re freakin’ hilarious. Here are some excerpts:

I was afraid when the snakes appeared in my brain, but when I have eaten them for dinner, I have never been scared of them and I thought they were delicious.

(From one of my male students) Oh! The man is touching me! I don’t like it! I try to move but I can’t . . . I try to scream but no words come out!

A thick fog filled the classroom and everyone fainted except me. My teachers came in and they turned into monsters and bit everyone’s heads off.

I went to a different country with different customs where everyone was dressed like ancient Arabs. They caputred me and brought me to get my head cut off because they said I was in the country illegally.

David Beckham saw me and invited me for a romantic walk around a river. I thought we had fallen in love with each other . . . We sat down and chatted happily, and suddenly, he showed an ugly face to me and shoved me into the river!

What’s that? The color is red and it has a lot of feet . . . OH! It is a centipede! It is the most beautiful centipede I have ever seen!

There was an animal in my bed. My roommate caught it and set it free. She said when she was young she played with them. We teased her and called the animal her sister.

On my trip to America, I was very tired and hungry. A man saw me and invited me to his home. I was treated very well by him and his servants. At last I know he is Bush George.

I was captured by terrible savages, they threatened to kill me unless I could dream.

I can’t help but to think that those terrible savages may have been the personification of the evil teacher asking her to do this assignment.

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